Little Blessings Everywhere

“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.'” Luke 20-21

Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on

It has been a minute since I have written on this blog and I am excited to start back up in this new year! If you are new to Me In Mine, welcome! The gest of this site is that so often I see me in mine- myself, both good and not so good, in my family. This is both humbling and often entertaining and I share the joys and challenges here with you- the reader. Since last writing, I have taken on a new role as a Children’s Minister and I love this new endeavor. I have been stretched in ways I never knew possible and I am grateful!

So, Christmas is over and it was a thrill. Our family was without my husband last year because he was hospitalized with Covid so we were so thankful to have him home with us. Another fun fact about this year’s first week off from school was that mama was DONE with planning. We had wrapped up three weeks of wonderful performances, events, and gift buying, and I had no elaborate plans other than to rest. Because our sweet angel children are in school and every minute of their day is structured for them we always have a bit of a tug of war over time when there is a break. I am so glad to chill and they wake up bright-eyed every morning and want to know about the itinerary of fun for the day. Shepherd requested the “agenda” by 8 am on Monday morning. I told him, “I have no agenda except to enjoy each other’s company, bake things, and watch predictable movies.” Major letdown and we’re at an age where everything ends with “ever” so it was the “biggest letdown ever.” On the other side of the house, the baby child who is a happy little introvert was living her best life making snowflakes and watching a baking tutorial. We call it “parenting whack a mole.” You get one content and the next one pops up with a need- or an “agenda.”

I saw the creativity on the socials and I had a full appreciation for the mom goals that were set before me. I am typically more creative but it’s like I ran out of juice this year. I saw many friends say that they had Christmas cards printed but were not going to get them in the mail and I wanted to hug them through the phone. I think this pandemic and political world has us continuing to operate in an ever-so-subtle fight or flight mindset. We are becoming more okay with letting our best be enough and I kind of love it. Because of all of this, I had decided to just let the week unfold as it should.

We didn’t have monumental moments but we saw a ton of little blessings that we definitely had been overlooking. We put puzzles together, we saw lights, we drank hot chocolate, we laughed and played board games. We spent hardly anything but gained a fortune in quality time as a family. It’s what we needed and what continues to be a much-needed reset.

Every day there are blessings all around us. So often, I strive to make things amazing, and really what my people need is basic connection. Life is tough and we have to be gentle with ourselves. Last week, I began really trying to find the nuggets of blessing in the seemingly mundane. I’ve started a list that I hope to continue. I’ll include a few below.

If no one has told you today, you are enough. Grand plans are special and have their place but sometimes God desperately wants to pull us to Him and show us Himself in simple things. The best things in life truly are free. They may cost us a bit of time playing a silly game or hearing about the 9,000th Minecraft build but when our people are seen and invested in, we are the ones who are rich in their love. Eventually, we will take down the tree and decorations (they’re still so pretty!) but my hope is that we can hang on to the fun that we discovered when we stopped overthinking and made the choice to just be.

*Here’s my ongoing list of things. What would you add?

-Thinking through the magnitude of God’s love for sending Jesus.

-Kids laughing at old, funny stories from our childhood

-Looking at baby pictures together

-The age-old joy in finishing an intricate puzzle with many identical cats 🙂

-The wonder of Christmas lights (that look better with hot chocolate)

-Snuggled up nights watching Christmas movies

-Quiet walks listening to God for direction and comfort

-Missing loved ones who are not with us but finding joy in seeing that they’ve left a legacy of Christmas spirit

Soul Connection

This morning I heard a great quote on the way to work. To paraphrase, it said that when you want to know Jesus’ plan for your life and are lost and confused, stop planning and start connecting. Time and time again, I have read and seen how true connection binds people and us to God. Our thoughts run wild and our emotions begin to overtake us and what God really wants from us is connection. For us to lay our chaos down, take off our shoes, and cuddle up next to our holy, loving, Father and just be. Just listen. Read His Word and soak it all in. It is in these times that we become more like Him- think like Him- and exude His grace, peace and lightened yoke. Through this connection, we can go forth and make wise decisions that are birthed from our time with Him and not out of our own whirlwind of dread, doubt, and turmoil.

Connection also spills over into our families. I have read time and time again that it is what binds our littles and loved ones to us and when it is lacking, forms great chasms until filled. You know it when it’s gone. When you go from asking to screaming. When harmony disrupts into madness. You feel it, too, when distance takes over snuggles and tears fall. No one wants it and as parents, we should quickly fight to get it back when we feel it slip away. Lately, my fastest go to is as simple as holding hands. Science says that there is a bond between hand holding and connection. Try it and see if you can stay mad at someone while holding their hand- it’s tough. After we have had to correct one of our children, we will give them their space and then we walk in and offer an outstretched hand. A hand of full of forgiveness, love, and apology. When their little hand meets ours, a smile generally follows and that melt into your arms moment when they feel that it’s all ok re-connects what has been broken.

Time and time again God invites us to connect. Psalm 18:35 says, “You make your saving help my shield, and your right hand sustains me; your help has made me great.” If you’re lost today and in need of answers, sanity or love, look at your right hand and ask God to hold it tightly. Imagine being in His presence and listen. And peace will come. And answers, and faith. It’s ok not to figure it out right now.

Sweet blessings to you,


The Truly Greatest Showman

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3

Our house has been a circus lately! Literally- we’ve been belting out the music from The Greatest Showman, Shepherd is in a circus-themed school play and tonight I got to witness a truly amazing show!

I came in the house to Libby, dressed in a tutu (nothing new) with her hair done up cute and she proudly announced that she and her daddy were going to put on a circus for me. She was so excited and just beamed as she showed me her little stage she had set up. She had drawn lights and had the tunnel part of a play tent as the “ring of fire.” Teddy was smiling but said his back was in pain from all of the rehearsals.

It came time for the big performance and Libby and Teddy took their places in the kitchen. To the tune of Libby humming, they began their choreography, directed by the tiny dancer, which was actually quite good! The dancing moved into Ringmaster Daddy holding up the “ring of fire” for Lib to crawl through and then I saw why he will need a lot of ibuprofen tomorrow. She laid on her belly in the tunnel, now stretched out, with her little ballet fingers pointed in perfect precision as Teddy lifted the whole contraption and spun it around in the air. She announced, “Spin,” and he spun her around. She said, “Swing,” and he swung her back and forth. She beamed as she flew through the air and Teddy laughed through the struggle of lifting from such an awkward position. But he would have done it 100 times. She felt amazing and that was enough for him. Finally, she announced, “Down,” and he gently lifted her down. They took their bows (she felt the need to tell him not to curtsy, but to bow) and they exited the ring. One of my favorite moments ever!

I couldn’t help but think that life is a circus so many times and that we are truly running from ring to ring making sure that the plates don’t fall, that the crowd is happy, and that everyone is filled with all that they need. What if one day we decided to exit the ring, grab a box of popcorn, and sit in the stands for just a bit and let God, the Truly Greatest Showman show just what He could do? Not take off to Vegas or anything, but take off from worry, from planning, and from performing. He knows our life better than anyone because He created it! When we let go of the trapeze and allow Him to catch us the effect is breathtaking. The thrill never gets old and the witness to the crowd around us brings them back for more.

If you’re walking a tightrope, afraid that one wrong move will end in disaster, trust in the One who holds your life in His hands. His will holds the safety net that you need to catch you if you fall and His grace puts you right back in the ring. What He can do with just a little bit of faith is a sight to behold. The “Come one and come all” invitation is there. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Sit back and enjoy the greatest show- your life, your family, your story of the awe and wonder of what God will do through you!

~At this time some of our dear friends, with a precious big family of 7 who laughingly call themselves The Circus had a fire in their “tent” last week and need our prayers and support. If you’d like to spread some love to the Martinez family, call Broadmoor Baptist Church at 318-868-6552 and they’ll make sure it gets to them. You’ll want to be a part of the incredible story of provision that He’s writing in their lives.

Here’s Your Sign

It’s been a while since I’ve written but it’s not because life has been boring or that we haven’t been challenged and stretched in the meantime. In fact, we’ve been on a path that has lead us to such a wonderful place. But it hasn’t been without seasons of refinement.

At times, as we fought through challenging parenting, I didn’t write because I thought, “Who am I to challenge and equip other parents? I don’t even have it together myself.” Those thoughts weren’t from God as He has shown me that my words were meant to be an encouragement as a fellow sojourner, not as an expert.

Other times, we just questioned so many inner stirrings. Ones that pulled at our hearts but that we couldn’t quite put into words. That lack of words kept me from writing. My thoughts were all over the place. How could I blog if I didn’t even know what path we were supposed to be on? That wasn’t from God either. He is a God of peace and our worry and control were an interruption in the signals that He was desperately trying to send through.

You see, I have a deep love for teaching children. I could be teaching them at school, at church, or in a village in Mexico. Their sweet faces, their inquisitive natures, and their pure hearts are what I was put on this earth to minister to. It is as natural as breathing to engage kids in conversation and listen as they light up telling their stories. And I was a teacher- at a precious Christian school where I gave and received love every day. “So, why God, why do I feel called away?”

As I wrestled with this question an opportunity was dropped in our laps. A family friend had started a company called Sign Gypsies in Texas and thought that the business would do well in the Shreveport area. She called us and inquired as to whether or not we’d like to be an affiliate and we said we’d pray about it. Now, every spiritual gift test I took growing up said encouragement was my gifting and I do love the feeling I get when I feel like my words have helped someone feel a little lighter. This company would allow us to do this in a BIG way as we would be delivering phrases like “Happy Birthday” and “Welcome Home” in our community and we couldn’t pass it up.

As we worked this business, we began to have success that we owe 100% to God’s provision and our wonderful community who allowed us to help them celebrate. I had a job so I questioned why God was blessing us so fruitfully and then the answer came. He wanted us to use our signs as a means for income to minister to children. Since I was already teaching reading and Bible it was confusing. “Maybe I should do after school tutoring or have a Bible study group,” I wondered. Finally, through clouds of confusion, His voice came. “You need to make your own children your ministry.”

After many years in the classroom God was calling me to stay home and focus on my family and how I could build my little prince and princess into mighty warriors for His kingdom. I’m still not sure what all that entails but I am assured that He has big plans for our family.

I have always had friends who stayed home with their kids and it’s something that we’ve considered but questioned the timing, the means, and if it would be a fit for us. We always said that because I loved where I was God would have to give us a “big sign” if we were to make a change. Well, He did and because He knows that it takes us a while to comprehend, He went on a made it a literal one. The next step was faith and to this control freak mama it was hard and is hard. So now, we’re taking things one step at a time and trying to drink in all that we are to learn in this season.

I’m not sure what your dream is or where you are on the road to achieve it but I challenge you to step out. Just step out and see if God opens a door. Follow His voice, even when it seems so distant and muddied by outside noise and inside turmoil. Beg at His feet morning and night and with fellow intercessors until an answer comes. Finally, don’t be surprised when the answer is the impossible. That’s what He’s in the business of. We’ve done each of these things for over a year and know without a doubt that being in the center of His will is such a sweet spot.

Let me know how I can pray for you and I ask that you pray for us. There will be hard days and our desire to know everything right now will pull at our faith. Change is hard but necessary to get us to the next page of the story He is writing.

And when you feel like you have nothing to offer because you don’t have it all figured out- go ahead and write the silly blog, teach the class, or give the presentation. There’s someone on the same spot on their journey needing to hear exactly what you have to say.

When It’s a Merry-ish Christmas


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

The pic above is of an ornament but of so much more than that. It never misses a year on our tree and it never fails to bring a tear to our eyes. We bought it back in 2006 in memory of our baby who we lost to miscarriage. We wanted a way to remember that cherished little one and make sure that he or she always had a place and was not forgotten. For us, an ornament was that form of remembrance.

Since then, we have quite a few more angels among us. My father, Teddy’s grandmothers, and others who are with us but aren’t with us.

I had the privilege of going through a class that is open to anyone called Grief Share at our church. In this class, the leaders talked about “rogue waves” of emotion that hit you out of nowhere. Though these happen at any time, the holidays make us especially vulnerable to emotions coming out of the blue or just lying right below the surface enough to make you wonder why you’re smiling on the outside but honestly a grinch in your heart. For me this season, I’ve just been in a funk. But if I really stop and think about it, it’s just a hard time of year.

As I talked to my mom today, we reminisced and shared some feelings on this “most wonderful time of the year.” I wouldn’t change one thing in my life but I told her that if I was really honest, I might go back to being 10 years old waiting to dress up for our annual family Christmas get-together. There were no cares in the world except, of course, what we’d get for Christmas.

But we’re not meant to stay 10 or whatever age we last remember feeling care-free. At some point, we have to be the ones creating light for others and in this the real joy of Christmas lives on. When those rogue waves of emotion hit, we should think about our lost loved ones. We should curl up and take ourselves back to those happy places and let ourselves FEEL. Tears should be given their place and we must see the seasonal funk for what it is. Not lack of faith. Not a Scrooge-like humbug but an honest to goodness longing for what once was.

And then…be a light. Think about whose life you can light up with the joy of Christmas. Someone did it for you and it was probably not without these same rogue waves that you’re experiencing- you’d just never have known. “And just how do I do that?” you ask. First, with grit and then with the knowledge that you are not led in your own strength. In those care-free, youthful days, through pain and adversity, and even now there is One who has always been there and has never changed. Just knowing there’s a constant links every season of your life together and it just feels  CONNECTED. God binds us together, binds our wounds, and binds us to new people and new places to love. Knowledge of that single Thread gives the perfect amount of security that whispers to your soul, “Yes. I can do this. I’ve never walked alone”

So here’s to being real this season and to new perspective to take us into the new year. Praying that you find joy and that joy finds you, friend.

Breaking the Rules- On Purpose

ice cream

“So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 8:15

I am by nature a rule-follower. I stick to schedules, eating plans, workout, pay taxes and I basically expect those around me to follow suit. You tell me what you need done and I will basically adhere to what you request. I might feel like I’m being “loose” by like not putting back my shopping cart every now and then but inside I know that I’m fairly predictable.

And that works out well for the most part. But it does get boring. Lately as me and my strong-willed kids have been trying to see eye to eye on some things I’ve started to wonder if I’m just blah. I’m not talking about basic care and safety. I mean I’m asking, “Am I becoming a nit-picker?” A wise friend told me once to, “Say ‘yes’ as often as possible when they’re little because you have to say ‘no’ so often.” Was I squelching all of the fun with my routines and schedules?

Yes. At times. It’s important for every reason from health to security to have boundaries but I think that my kids need to see mom as spontaneous too. It mixes things up a little and keeps them on their toes. It wasn’t purposeful, but today afforded me several opportunities to check myself and realize that we “broke the rules.” But it was  ok.

  1. We were headed to a soccer game and Libby came out from her room beaming. She was dressed in a t-shirt, orange leggings, a pink tutu, rain boots, and a tiara. She was feeling ah-mazing. She asked how I thought she looked and of course I raved. We argue six days of the week over clothes. Who on earth cares what she wears to a soccer game? So, I let it go and all was right in her world and there weren’t any tears in mine.
  2. During the game, Shepherd was doing his best to pull off aggression but at this point there’s just not any. ANY. He was running around the field and stopped to pick up a child on the opposing team who fell. This is a common practice for him and though it’s good to be a good Samaritan, he’s not helping his team who is already halfway down the field. In the parking lot, as we were leaving a lady came up to our car and motioned for us to roll our window down. When I did she asked if that little boy was number 7. We said he was and she told us that she so appreciated him stopping to help her little boy up on the field. We thanked her and as we drove off I looked at Shepherd and told him, “Son, that’s a win.”
  3. At bedtime Libby and I read her book and as I was about to get up and get the evening chores done she reached for my hand. I gave hers a squeeze and she gripped my hand and tucked it in close. I thought to myself, “I can’t let her start to fall asleep like this. How will she be independent?” But really? Really? I realized that there will be a day that she will be more than happy to go to sleep without holding my hand and that what was right and sweet and good in that moment was to snuggle and let her drop off to dreamland in the security of her mother’s love.

I will always do what is best for my family. They will always have expectations and consistency. I think I just learned a lesson today in letting go where it’s ok and when life allows you precious moments. Stay up a little later, snuggle a little longer, say sorry a little sooner, and laugh a little more when you should mean business. It’s what they’ll remember most of all.

Spiritual Thoughts on Surviving a Mile Run


“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:24

Some of you may have heard but this summer I began to put Meinmine on a journey to better health and fitness. When the “baby” is almost four, you can’t really keep blaming the sluggishness and lack of motivation on that whole process anymore so I signed up for my first boot camp- shout out to Camp Gladiator.

I had seen these people working out in big groups and frankly I often thought to myself, “That’s the last thing on the planet I’d want to be doing right now.” But it was summer and I could take a little cat nap with the kids during the day (teacher perk) so I said, “Why, not? I’ll get in super shape this summer and next year I won’t even feel tempted to eat that cupcake when my little bright-eyed angels with a metabolism twelve times faster than mine wafts it under my nose.” Needless to say, I am hooked and love going, getting it over with in the morning, and feel great. Shepherd is getting up when I get home in the mornings and he always asks if I had fun at “running club.”

But… that’s not to say that it’s a walk in the park. So many of you readers are runners. Like 10 miles plus a day-ers and you make it look easy and fun. You laugh with your running partners as you glide up hills and effortlessly maneuver through tough and unpredictable terrain.

I’m not one of those people. I don’t think I’ll ever be. Maybe you were born with the genes of a gazelle, so I want to take a minute to let you inside the head of someone who is new at this and has to go through several mental processes in order to finish ONE mile. Not a half marathon, but ONE mile. My only prayer is that a year from now I’ll have grown but if you’ve ever wondered what’s inside the heads of the newbies, here’s a little of how it goes:

Scene: Motivating, super-fit instructor lines everyone up. It’s approximately 5:30 a.m. We are told it’s a fit test and we have to run a mile. Since I’m not a runner I figure I’ll just see how it goes- no promises.

5:35 a.m.- I decide to “go at my own pace” which is somewhere between walking and not wanting to be last. It’s a slow jog but I figure it’s better than being asleep.

5:36 a.m.- I look up and see the stars. They’re so pretty. I think, “Thank you, Lord. This might end up being a great time to connect with You.”

5:37 a.m.- Feeling winded but still hanging in there. I work out in the church parking lot so I see the steeple. Verses like 2 Corinthians above come to mind. “Yes, Lord,” I pray. “I’m running to get the prize. Yes. Yes.”

5:38 a.m.- Blood is pumpin’ and I’m still going. I just got lapped, but that’s ok. It’s just more time to worship and really call on the Lord for strength.

5:39 a.m.- I’m reminded that they say this thing is mental but I’m thinking I’m mental for being out here. Calves burning a lil bit. Smell of my toothpaste catches a breeze and provides some invigoration.

5:40 a.m.- In my head I think, “Forget this, I’m just going to walk. No, it’s not that far. I feel a breeze. I’m going to pretend that it’s Jesus pushing me forward. Isn’t there an Irish proverb about the wind at your back? How random. Why would I think of that?”

5:43 a.m.- “OH, GOD” I pray. ” I can’t go on. There’s just NO WAY-AY-AY-AY!”

5:44 a.m.- One more lap and I will be finished! “Don’t Stop Believin'” is in my head. I guess I know what music is just right there under the surface if I’m ever to become unconscious. I wonder if the church has one of those ADT devices, you know, just in case.

5:45 a.m.- My legs are screaming. They are so confused. They just don’t understand. My arms hurt too. I wonder how I must look running if my arms hurt. Like a chicken or something. Whatever- it doesn’t matter because I just crossed the finish line and I’m done! It’s like a physical, mental, and spiritual victory all in one! There’s a party in my head but I sit on the curb. Apparently you shouldn’t stop moving. I almost fall asleep.

So. If you’re a trainer, you now know what is going through the minds of your new campers and hopefully it makes you laugh. I’m pleased to report that every time I run my mile, it gets easier. I’m still not a runner but “don’t stop believin'” I won’t try 🙂

We Must Protect This House!


“Honor your father and mother”- which is the first commandment with a promise-“so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on earth.” Ephesians 6:1-3

In our family we have two strong-willed children. We also have two strong-willed parents, so this should not come as a surprise. From the word “go” these children have blessed the socks off of us, but have also been a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute challenge in our desire to make them into the Christ-followers that we know they should one day be.

Tonight, it got real, ya’ll. For the past few months, we’ve made excuses. We haven’t been detached, mind you, they’ve received discipline and correction, but it’s kind of always been something else. “They’re tired”,”they’ve been out of their routine,” or “they’re just little,” are phrases that we’ve solaced ourselves with at the end of a hard day. Though these things are true, it’s moved beyond these little excuses. It became obvious tonight that we were losing some control and the non-negotiable lines had become blurred to the point of disrespect.

Simple whining had moved into having attitudes of greed, shyness to just plain impoliteness, and being temperamental to full-blown disrespect. We realized that we were missing peace in our home and that it was up to us to get it back. Not for our simple convenience, but because we’ve been commanded to do so. And that was the most important leg we have to stand on.

Through a “family meeting” that began with fussing and tears, we laid it all out. We discussed how the attitudes were not honoring to God and how we were told that it was our job to make sure that our children obeyed so that we were honored and so was God. It was strange though. Usually we go back to the Word, they soften, we pray and move on. There was a battle in our living room tonight like one we’ve not experienced before. The push back as we laid out what wasn’t going to happen in our home anymore was ridiculous. The tears and over-dramatics were actually confirmation that we did have some issues to address.

But what got us was this desperate desire for reunion. They didn’t like being on the couch and us in the chairs beside them. As we purposely put distance between us so as to make a point of the severity of the conversation it was foreign to them and a place of decision.

T.V. is gone for a week and we will be replacing that at night with Bible study and we pray that they never want to go back. Tears were shed over it but our point was made and the night ended with hands held in prayer.

Our children are small. We get that and believe me all of this was aimed at their level but man was this exhausting. It became crystal clear to us that we have to fight for our kids and for their hearts. When you open your eyes and the occasional slip-up has become a character trait woven into the personality of your child it makes these parents go into battle mode. Just as we would protect them from an enemy advance, we have to protect their young hearts from themselves. We know where these behaviors can take them, and to their ego-centric selves, they’re sitting ducks.

I was talking to Teddy about this after the quiet had come and he jokingly said, “We must protect this house,” like in the old Under Armour ad. But he was right.

What needs protecting in your world? It doesn’t matter how old your kids are or how far gone down the wrong path they may be. God says FIGHT for them. Is your marriage crumbling before your eyes? INTERCEDE like your life depends on it. Someone’s just might. No matter who it is, the voices of parents ring loudest and I better pray that mine is a voice of gentleness, strength, truth, and wisdom. And if it’s not your kids, believe right now that He is able to do abundantly more than you could ever hope or imagine.

The enemy is prowling. He does not want peace in our homes, marriages, or within our hearts. Lock the door and hold tightly to those you love, even it’s from a distance through prayer. Refuse to allow him victory in your home and know that you have been empowered to bring back to center those whose hearts you hold dear.

The Joy Thief


“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

What is THAT? If that thought crossed your mind, believe me, it crossed mine too when I received it in a text message from our air conditioner repairman this week. I’m not exactly “technically savvy” and I’m not a “change my own oil” kind of girl but I’m smart enough to know that this picture did not mean that we needed a lil’ more freon.

For those of you who know about this kind of thing you might have noticed that the “terminals were blown out of the compressor” but all I saw was $$$ and I was proven right when I received the estimate.

I had been having a really good day up till this point and I made a quick decision not to let this little, big, problem get in the way of that.

See, the thing is that after 36 years on earth, 12 years of marriage, two children, and a lot of unexpected phone calls, I’ve started to learn a little about myself and about the joy thief who comes to ruin my good days.

I’ve learned that I am totally predictable in these situations. I first handle it with grace, tell myself Bible verses, and remain calm. Then, I begin to analyze and as the problem marinates in my mind, I begin to freak out slowly throughout my whole self. I mean it could mean neck tension, headaches, irrational verbal processing, giving in to chocolate cravings, etc. It plays out like a listing of side effects in a drug company commercial.

That night another light came on and I began to see a pattern in how the deceiver works in my life. He loves to throw these curve balls and sit back while I squirm and lose it with my kids, and argue with my husband.

“Well, not tonight, ” I said. I put a stake in the ground that in this problem, in this trial, I was going to be the one throwing the curve balls. And I was going to win. I knew that I couldn’t do it alone. I prayed up and had some awesome ladies interceding for me. I take no credit for anything good.

The air conditioner was, wince, replaced and we’ve just made a choice to handle it differently. We’re trying, trusting and peace has come. We couldn’t have foreseen this one and it does no good to dwell on the circumstances. The thief can’t steal my joy this time, but oh how he will try again. It’s a daily commitment to knowing myself and having that knowledge of my weaknesses keeps me on my knees.

What’s the thief’s strategy in you? What does he do over and over and how does he trip you up every time? He’s not that creative. Turn on the porch light in your mind, armor yourself with God, and choose this day to keep your joy.  It’s a gift to you from your Father. Hold it tightly and never let go.

If You Give a Preschooler Some Goldfish…


If you give a preschooler some goldfish,

She will want a drink to go with it.

When you give her the drink, she will cry dramatically because the cup is the wrong color.

The crying will alert her brother to the kitchen.

And he will want a snack too.

And a drink.

While making brother a drink, she will spill her milk on the floor.

While cleaning up the milk, mom will notice that the baseboards need scrubbing.

On the way to the cleaning cabinet mom will see a dirty dish rag on the sink and remember that she hasn’t moved over the clothes to the dryer.

In the laundry room, while moving over the clothes, she will realize that the milk-soaked rag needs to be washed.

To that load, she will gather up all of the towels in the bathrooms to throw in too.

While gathering clothes, she will realize that the beds haven’t been made yet, so she will stop to take care of that task.

Finally getting to the laundry, she will start a load and then stop to read a story to the preschooler and her brother.

Forgetting why the door is open to cleaning cabinet, she will close it and make some coffee.

Mom making coffee will remind the preschooler of having tea, so she will set up a tea party in her room and mom will briefly abandon her coffee.

After the tea party, she will heat up her coffee in the microwave but still not drink it because WW3 has broken out over who REALLY needs ALL of the red Legos.

The diplomat will return to the kitchen and question whether or not it is ok to heat up coffee with heavy cream for a third time and pours it down the drain to be safe.


Mom realizes that it is time for lunch and answers with a reluctant, “Yes,” when her preschoolers ask for yet…

Another scoop of goldfish.

*and those baseboards will have to wait one more day 🙂